
Dr. D.B. Moses
Director Message
I welcome you to the Institute of Management Studies, Roorkee. The college was established in 1996, to import the best education to the younger generation. It will be an exciting journey in changing the liver of your children in a real and meaningful way.
IMS has an excellent team of teaching faculty to achieve the best possible education. Our Institute is committed to foster the pursuit of excellence for the academic, cultural, social and physical activities. IMS also maintains discipline and excellence in studies through constant monitoring and ragging free campus, experts from industry and professors from IIT, Roorkee are invited to deliver lectures in special in areas. This helps the students to have an exposure to the industrial problems and environment, which ultimately help them to get better placement.
On behalf of IMS, Roorkee, I thank you for having a trust in us and commit you to give our best to make your dreams come true.
Dr. D.Baby Moses
(Ph.D., I.I.T., Kharagpur)